A Brief Overview of Research

A never-ending process of problem-solving skills to challenge yourself ...

Research Background

During Ph.D., Arijit built some cryptographic techniques with Prof. G.P. Biswas (supervisor). He searches the practicability of the schemes that he has proposed so far. In addition, he is interested to find out some real-time security issues and their counter measurements for our modern digital society.  During his tenure of Post-Doctoral research,  Arijit worked and published a couple of research articles with Prof. Chun-I Fan (supervisor). Besides, he aims to build real applications based on modern cryptographic techniques.

The research work of Arijit comprises some new cryptographic directions, such as ID-Based Cryptosystem, Certificateless Cryptosystem, and Attribute-Based Encryption. Arijit designed some encryption, signature, and signcryption schemes based on the aforementioned concepts. His thoughts are always toward the betterment of society to provide essential CIA property along with the authenticity of sensitive data. Besides the scheme construction, Arijit does formal security analysis under the standard model (SM) and measures the efficiency through ideal simulation, e.g., Arduino, and R-Pi, with cryptographic libraries, such as PBC, JPBC, and MIRACL. He was awarded the Ph.D. degree, thesis entitled Design of some Identity- and Attribute-Based Public Key Cryptosystems in February 2018. Although Arijit did some security analyses based on the ROM, he believes the best practice would be the avoidance of ROM during security assessment.

So far in the research career,  Arijit got the privilege of working with some eminent researchers in the field of security and communication,  Prof. G.P. Biswas, Prof. Chun-I Fan, Prof. Sajal K DasDr. Ruei-Hau Hsu, Prof. Daniel Benevides da Costa, Dr. Walid Saad, Prof. Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Dr. Debasis Das, Dr. SK Hafizul IslamDr. Ruhul Amin, Prof. Kim-Kwang Raymond ChooDr. P. VijayakumarProf. Muhammad Khurram Khan, Dr. Trupil Limbasiya, and Dr. Debasis Giri

His research interests include applied cryptographyinformation securityedge securityautomotive security,  and decentralized data privacy.

NSYSU Cryptology and Network Security Lab 


Official LOGO

The Cryptology and Network Security Lab (密碼與網路安全實驗室) at NSYSU, known as CANSEC-Lab@NSYSU, was established in 2020. 

Location: EC2020, Dept of CSE, Electrical Information Building, No. 70, Lienhai Rd., Kaohsiung 80424 Taiwan, R.O.C.

Lab Director: Dr. Arijit Karati

Lab Website: https://www.canseclab.com/

Lab Members (active)PostDoc-01,  PhD-01,  MS-09,  BS-02

PublicationsCANSEC Lab ProfileJoin Us!

Funded Projects

As PI   NTD 2,930,500 ( equiv. to USD 91,750 or INR 77,20,000 )

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As co-PI   NTD 43,010,000  (equiv. to USD 1,346,000 or USD 11,33,00,000)