An outcome of the research findings...
#Research Articles: 48
#First/Corresponding Author: 32 | #SCI-E: 21 | #Q1 Journals: 12
Journals/Magazines : 23 (# F/C authors: 18)
✮ SCIE Articles (21):
Basker Palaniswamy, Arijit Karati*, "DSR-CAAP: A Novel Denial of Service Resilient Channel-Aware Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Suite for SAE J1939," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. [Q1] 🔗
A. Karati* and L.-C. Chang, "AnonMAKE: Towards Secure and Anonymous Mutually Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol for Vehicular Communications," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(10), pp. 14245 - 14258, 2024. [Q1] 🔗
A. Karati* and S. K. Das, "Effective Data Sharing in Edge-Cloud Model: Security Challenges and Solutions," Computer, 52(7), pp. 53 - 65, 2024. 🔗
C.-I. Fan, A. Karati*, and S.-L. Wu, "A Privacy-Aware Provably Secure Smart Card, Authentication Protocol Based on Physically Unclonable Functions," IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 21(4), pp. 2766 - 2778, 2023. [Q1] 🔗
C.-I. Fan, H.-N. Kuo, Y.-S. Tu, Y.-C. Chei, C.-C. Chuang, Y.-C. Tseng, A. Karati*, “A Secure Cloud Gaming System,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 39(3), pp. 473-487, 2023. 🔗
C.-I. Fan, E.-S. Zhuang, A. Karati*, C.-H. Su, “A Multiple End-Devices Authentication Scheme for LoRaWAN,” Electronics, 11(5), pp. 797, 2022. 🔗
DS. Gupta, A. Karati*, W. Saad, DBD. Costa, “Quantum-Defended Blockchain-Assisted Data Authentication Protocol for Internet of Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(3), pp. 3255–3266, 2022. [Q1] 🔗
A. Karati, C.-I. Fan*, E.-S. Zhuang, “Reliable Data Sharing by Certificateless Encryption Supporting Keyword Search Against Vulnerable KGC in Industrial Internet of Things,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18(6), pp. 3661 - 3669, 2021. [Q1] 🔗
A. Karati, R. Amin*, P. Mohit, V. Sureshkumar, G.P. Biswas, “Design of a secure file storage and access protocol for cloud-enabled Internet of Things environment,” Computers & Electrical Engineering, 94, pp. 107298, 2021. [Q1] 🔗
C.-I. Fan, A. Karati*, P.-S. Yang, “Reliable file transfer protocol with producer anonymity for Named Data Networking,” Journal of Information Security and Applications, 59, pp. 102851, 2021. 🔗
DS. Gupta, SKH. Islam, MS. Obaidat, A. Karati, B. Sadoun, “LAAC: Lightweight Lattice-based Authentication and Access Control Protocol for E-Health systems in IoT Environments,” IEEE Systems Journal, 15(3), pp. 3620 - 3627, 2020. 🔗
A. Karati, C.-I. Fan*, R.-H. Hsu, “Provably Secure and Generalized Signcryption with Public Verifiability for Secure Data Transmission Between Resource-Constrained IoT Devices,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(6), pp. 10431–10440, 2019. [Q1] 🔗
A. Karati*, G. P. Biswas, “Provably Secure and Authenticated Data Sharing Protocol for IoT based Crowdsensing Network,” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 30(4), 2018. 🔗
A. Karati*, R. Amin, SKH. Islam, KKR. Choo, “Provably secure and lightweight identity-based authenticated data sharing protocol for cyber-physical cloud environment,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 9(1), pp. 318 - 330, 2018. [Q1] 🔗
A. Karati*, SKH. Islam, G. P. Biswas, “A Pairing-free and Provably Secure Certificateless Signature Scheme,” Information Sciences, 450, pp. 378–391, 2018. [Q1] 🔗
A. Karati*, SKH. Islam, M. Karuppiah, “Provably Secure and Lightweight Certificateless Signature Scheme for IIoT Environments,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14(8), pp. 3701–3711, 2018. [Q1] 🔗
A. Karati*, SKH. Islam, G.P. Biswas, MZA Bhuiyan, P. Vijayakumar, M. Karuppiah, “Provably Secure Identity-based Signcryption Scheme for Crowdsourced Industrial Internet of Things Environments,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(4), pp. 2904–2914, 2017. [Q1] 🔗
R. Amin, SKH. Islam, MK. Khan, A. Karati, D. Giri, S. Kumari, “A Two-factor RSA-based Robust Authentication System for Multi-Server Environments,” Security and Communication Networks, 00(00), pp. 00–00, 2017. 🔗
P. Mohit, R. Amin, A. Karati, G.P. Biswas, MK. Khan, “A Standard Mutual Authentication Protocol for Cloud Computing Based Health Care System,” Journal of Medical Systems, 41(4), pp. 50, 2017. [Q1] 🔗
A. Karati*, G. P. Biswas, “Efficient and Provably Secure Random Oracle-Free Adaptive Identity Based Encryption with Short-Signature Scheme,” Security and Communication Networks, 9(17), pp. 4060–4074, 2016. 🔗
A. Karati*, R. Amin, G. P. Biswas, “Provably Secure Threshold-Based ABE Scheme Without Bilinear Map,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 41(8), pp. 3201–3213, 2016. 🔗
✮ Non-SCIE Articles (02):
RY. Patil, A. Karati, YH. Patil, "A signcryption with identity-based authentication for secure EHR sharing in IoMT utilizing ECC," International Journal of Information Technology, pp. 1-16, 2024 🔗[SCOPUS]
E. Ali, A. Karati*, “Digitalizing the Narratives: Structural Analysis of Far Cry 3”, Rupkatha Journal, 7(1), pp. 01–11, 2015. 🔗 [SCOPUS]
Book Chapters: 04
YH. Patil, RY Patil, MA Gurale, A. Karati, “Industry 5.0: Empowering Collaboration through Advanced Technological Approaches,” Intelligent Systems and Industrial Internet of Things for Sustainable Development, pp. 1-23, 2024. 🔗
RY. Patil, A. Karati, Y. Patil, A. Bannore, “Reliable data sharing in medical cyber physical system using fog computing,” Intelligent Edge Computing for Cyber Physical Applications, pp. 67-83, 2023. 🔗
RY. Patil, A. Karati, Y. Patil, A. Bannore, “Privacy Preserving and Data sharing in Medical Cyber Physical System using Fog Computing,” In Emerging Trends in Cybersecurity Applications, pp. 277-299, 2022. 🔗
S. Bera, S.K. Das, A. Karati, “Intelligent Routing in Wireless Sensor Network Based on African Buffalo Optimization,” Nature Inspired Computing for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 119–142, 2020. 🔗
Conferences: 21 (# F/C authors: 14)
B. Palaniswamy, T.-Y. Chen, A. Karati*, "SMEBE-CAN: Selective Multicast Encryption Enabled Broadcast Encryption for CAN 2.0B," 2024 IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), Washington DC, USA, 2024. 🔗 [Core-B]
A. Karati*, T.-Y. Chen and K.-Y. Lin, "QuDPas-FHA: Quantum-Defended Privacy-Preserved Fast Handover Authentication in Space Information Networks," International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), INSTICC, Dijon, France, 2024. 🔗 [Core-B, 2021]
B. Palaniswamy*, A. Karati, "QPTA: Quantum-Safe Privacy-Preserving Multi-Factor Authentication Scheme for Lightweight Devices," International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), INSTICC, Dijon, France, 2024. 🔗 [Core-B, 2021]
ZTA. Tang, K.-We Yu, K. Yuta, T.-Y. Chen, A. Karati*, "Enhancing Security of a PUF-based Remote Keyless Entry System using Machine Learning Approach," International Electronics Communication Conference (IECC), ACM, Fukuoka, Japan, 2024. 🔗
B. Palaniswamy*, T.-Y. Chen, A. Karati, "A Secure Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme Resilient Against Quantum Attacks," International Electronics Communication Conference (IECC), ACM, Fukuoka, Japan, 2024. 🔗
P.-A. Shih, C.-C. Wu, C.-H. Huang, and A. Karati*, "Effective Data Transmission in NDN-Assisted Edge-Cloud Computing Model," 10th International Conference On Mathematics And Computing (ICMC), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), Springer, India, 2024. 🔗
A. Karati*, L.-C. Chang “Cryptanalysis of a Lightweight Privacy Enhancing Authentication Scheme for Internet of Vehicles,” IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Tunis, Tunisia, 2023. 🔗 [Core-B, 2021]
A. Karati*, Y.-S. Chang, T.-Y. Chen, “Robust Three-Factor Lightweight Authentication Based on Extended Chaotic Maps for Portable Resource-constrained Devices,” International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), Rome, Italy, 2023. 🔗 [Core-B, 2021]
A. Karati*, L.-C. Chang, C.-I. Fan, D. Das, “On the security of lightweight authentication and batch verification in VANETs,” IEEE World Conference on Communication & Computing (WCONF), Raipur, India, 2023. 🔗
A. Karati*, S. K. Das, “Federated Secure Data Sharing by Edge-Cloud Computing Model,” IEEE Global Communication (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022. 🔗 [Core-B, 2021]
T. Limbasiya, A. Karati*, D. Das, “SELECT: Secure and Lightweight Context-Aware Mechanism for Smart Vehicular Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic & Secure Computing (DASC), Calabria, Italy, 2022. 🔗 [Core-C, 2021]
J.-J. Huang, C.-I. Fan, Y.-C. Hsu, A. Karati, “A Fast Authentication Scheme for Cross-Network-Slicing Based on Multiple Operators in 5G Environments," International Symp. on Security in Computing and Communications (SSC), Chennai, INDIA, 2020. 🔗
A. Karati*, C.-I. Fan, J.-J. Huang, “An Efficient Pairing-Free Certificateless Signcryption Without Secure Channel Communication During Secret Key Issuance,” International Conf. on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet), Trivandrum, INDIA, 2019. 🔗
A. Karati*, C.-I. Fan, R.-H. Hsu, “Enhancement of FTP-NDN Supporting Nondesignated Receivers,” International Computer Symposium (ICS), Yulin, TAIWAN, 2018. 🔗
T. Limbasiya, A. Karati, “Cryptanalysis and Improvement of A Mutual User Authentication Scheme for the Internet of Things,” International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), Chiang Mai, THAILAND, 2018. 🔗
A. Karati*, G. P. Biswas, “A Practical Identity Based Signcryption Scheme from Bilinear Pairing,” International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), pp. 832–836, Jaipur, INDIA, 2016. 🔗
A. Karati*, G. P. Biswas, “Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Certificate-less Short Signature Scheme using Bilinear Pairing,” International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing (AICTC), Bikaner, INDIA, 2016. 🔗
R. Amin, SKH. Islam, A. Karati, G. P. Biswas, “Design of an Enhanced Authentication Protocol and Its Verification using AVISPA,” International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), pp. 404–409, Dhanbad, INDIA, 2016. 🔗
A. Gupta, P. Mohit, A. Karati, R. Amin, G. P. Biswas, “Malicious Node Detection using ID Based Authentication Technique,” International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), pp. 398–403, Dhanbad, INDIA, 2016. 🔗
A. Karati*, G. P. Biswas, “Cryptanalysis of Zheng et al.’s Pairing-free Secure IBE Scheme,” International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), pp. 101–106, Bhubaneswar INDIA, 2016. 🔗
R. Kumar, R. Amin, A. Karati, G. P. Biswas, “Secure Remote Login Scheme with Password and Smart Card Update Facilities,” International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA), pp. 495–505, Durgapur, INDIA, 2016. 🔗